Language school


Finally! You made a decision to study European languages.

MyEuroJob offers Polish, French, Italian and English language courses for foreigners and Polish speaking students.

Currently we offer English course: A1, A2,B1,B2,C1,C2 and Polish course: A1, A2,B1,B2.

All students get a discount on registration a company and free entrance to speaking clubs.

We are gathering groups for autumn 2019.  We are trying to adjust hours for our students, so please contact us and let us set the schedule together.

Evening hours and weekends are available. Schedules coming soon.

Individual, group and on-line classes are available.

 For early sing ups super price 16 zł per one lesson.

MyEuroJob prepares for Polish language exam required in getting “Karta pobytu” (long term resident of EU).